Who Can Benefit From Threat Intelligence?
Everyone! Cyber threat intelligence
is widely imagined to be the domain of elite analysts. In reality, it adds
value across security functions for organizations of all sizes.
When threat intelligence is treated as a separate function within a
broader security paradigm rather than an essential component that augments
every other function, the result is that many of the people who would benefit
the most from threat intelligence don’t have access to it when they need it.
Security operations teams are routinely unable to process the alerts they
receive — threat intelligence integrates with the security solutions you
already use, helping automatically prioritize and filter alerts and other
threats. Vulnerability management teams can more accurately prioritize the most
important vulnerabilities with access to the external insights and context
provided by threat intelligence. And fraud prevention, risk analysis, and other
high-level security processes are enriched by the understanding of the current
threat landscape that threat intelligence provides, including key insights on
threat actors, their tactics, techniques, and procedures, and more from data
sources across the web. For more on the security control process.
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