Cyber Security Threats


A variety of malware has been discovered in the years which have passed. These attacks on malware is designed to attack different devices like smartphones. In the first half of 2019, there was a 50 per cent increase in malware attacks in mobile banking.

The mobile devices that virtually every one of us carries contain sensitive data and information of us. Through attacking this mini machine hackers can get what they want. With the passage of time our reliance on these tools has been greatly increased and we are using it for our sensitive information, for different purposes of online transaction and recording. In order to save this sensitive information, we focus on two authentication criteria in which one is linked to the SMS and the other is verification through mobile application.

Thus hackers have reached that poor communication between the network and the service provider through an attack in “SIMjacking”. Such attacks were carried out through a social engineering approach which prompted several high profile robberies. Such robberies included not only standard dollars, but also cryptocurrencies.

Malicious software-containing malware harms not only mobile phones but also other devices, and these can also be launched through different applications. To fix that, large-scale software market owners, Microsoft, Apple, and Google, check devices for warnings that it may contain technology that is suspected to be maliciously exploited. It is restricted after scrutiny of the application which is supposed to be malicious.

The main goal of the attacker is to attain the user’s information and for this they are attacking the most convenient source of attack that is currently mobile phone device. Malware is common to desktop and larger systems as well.


It’s a common cybercrime and it’s bullying, but it’s done online. Bullying is immoral wherever it happens and people around the world are against this abuse. There are different laws working to get a hold on cyberbullies but they are still targeting people to a greater level.

This is worst in cybercrimes because many of the other causes money or business damage but in some situations cyberbullying has caused life loss. This crime is also followed by cyber-stalking in which people virtually stalk others. Keeps an eye on other people’s activities and exploit them to get different benefits from them.

5G Concerns

5G is close to a major disruptive launch, and so are the risks to cybersecurity in 2020. As it gives package of incentives and thus also draws the risks. 5 G infrastructure adds a bright light to the tech world on the sea but is tempting to the dark side of cyber world as well.

5G businesses commons in contact with security issues of diverse network architectures, and very different product technologies and strategies. The new architecture ensures that networks must run in a more complex environment with a larger threat surface requiring greater security vigilance on the part of the service providers.

With 5G technology, there are many issues that can be expected and many of those biggest issues are the deployment and supply chain. As the 5G is going to be new tech with vast supply chain, it is therefore exposed to malicious attack.

This can also draw the spotlight from various dark sides because of malfunctions in design. Consequently, it launches an increase in the expectation ratio of attacks and increases the negative impact on data confidentiality. In the implementation phase of 5G, information and communication technology (ICT) components will be increased due to indulgence.

5G tech uses more components than previous generation wireless technology and will therefore be prone to more cyber security attacks than previous ones. With more ways for attackers to access sensitive data, and increasing challenges such as monitoring device risks without a Wi-Fi router, people will need to be proactive as they develop new security solutions. 5G vulnerabilities could lead to IoT traffic snooping, easier ways to compromise IoT devices, or even reprogram the IoT device remotely in some cases.

New Cyber Regulations

In the year 2020, data breach is most likely to happen due to unauthorized access to the data. New cyber regulations need to be brought in so that cyber-attacks can easily be thwarted.  In the cyber security war, there is a drawback that the hackers are progressing faster than the people who are cyber security experts.


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